The Berry Barn

Neufeld Farm Market

Fresh Fruits & Veggies

We are farmers, and we grow your food with care. We also support local and Okanagan farmers by offering a variety of fresh, locally sourced products. Come in and explore our tables filled with delicious fruits and vegetables, harvested at peak freshness. Shop local and enjoy the best our community has to offer!

Harvest Schedule For BC

Strawberries – End of May to end September
Raspberries – end of June to End of September
Blueberries – June thru September
Blackberries – July thru August
Corn –  July thru mid September
Pickling Cukes – July thru August
Apricots – July 20 to August 10
Cherries – July thru August
Peaches – July 25 to September 1
Pears – August 15 to September 30
Squash – August thru October
Pumpkins – end of September thru October

Fresh Berries

Neufeld Farms home-grown berries are hand picked fresh daily and are handled with extreme care. Our fields are hand groomed and well manicured. Our blueberries are grown in nearby fields and are also carefully hand picked.


Our juicy sweet homegrown strawberries are always a sign that summer is here. Handpicked daily for you to take home and enjoy in your favorite smoothies, pies, sundaes and shortcakes. Don’t forget to freeze some for the winter.


We are very happy to be growing blackberries, We have a number of varieties and they are juicy, plump and delicious!! A perfect addition to your smoothie.


Tantalize your taste buds with our homegrown raspberries carefully handpicked daily and ready for your cereal and yogurt for a tasty start to your day. Raspberries are a rich source of anti oxidants, vitamins and mineral values and are considered one of the super fruits.


Our Blueberries are sweet, juicy, colorful and altogether healthy. You can pick them up July through the beginning of October, and don’t forget to freeze some so you have them available frozen year-round! You can’t go wrong eating blueberries as they continue to be one of the best choices to include in a healthy diet.

Everyday Produce

We choose our fruits and vegetables carefully just like you do. In summertime, we pick the best of the season from other local farms whenever possible. Quality is very important to us and we continue to work hard so that you don’t have to.


White, red, russet or sweet. Roasted, mashed, baked or scalloped. Nugget potatoes also available year round for us roasted nugget lovers!


There are some of you that can’t make a meal without involving an onion. Well when you run out, just run to the berry barn. We have lots in stock.

Salad Fixings

Whether it be romaine, spinach, red leaf, green leaf, or head lettuce, we all need our greens. And we have all the fixings to go in your salad as well.
Salad Fixings

Everyday Fruits

Bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, grapefruit, mangoes, pineapple, and melons. These are our everyday fruits for your everyday life.


We always have a variety of tomatoes on hand for you to choose from for your salads, burgers, pastas and salsas.
Tomatoes & Avocados

Farm Favourites

We’ve been farming for over 40 years and continue to produce top quality products that are carefully grown and handpicked just for you. We are proud to provide you and your family with fresh home grown crops directly from our farm to your table.


Neufeld Farms Berry Barn’s name speaks for itself. Every year our customers can’t wait for the first berries of the season to come out so they can make their daily or weekly visits to Neufeld Farms to pick up their fix of our luscious berries.
Variety of Berries

Pickling Cukes

Neufeld Farms is known for our pickling cukes. Originally just U–pick cukes, we now do the picking for you and make sure to have a bin of slicing cucumbers ready to you to fill your bag and take home. Nothing says summer like a cool cucumber salad. The sweetness and fresh taste of these cucumbers make them second to none.
Pickling Cucumbers


When you think dillweed, you should automatically think Neufeld’s. Dill for all your pickling needs, and baby dill for your salads, salmon, and nugget potatoes. And of course for your soups. Don’t forget to get some in your freezer for winter.

Sweet Corn

We have been growing sweet corn for over 40 years and know that when you want corn, it has to be fresh. Our fresh daily hand picked corn is ready for you mid July to September in yellow, and peaches and cream varieties. When you think corn on the cob – think Neufeld’s.
Sweet Corn


Our home grown pumpkins is the latest additions to our Berry Barn Favorites. The last of our harvest we hand pick our pumpkins and display them for you to enjoy inside and outside the market all thru October. Make sure to stop by as we say goodbye to summer and welcome in the fall. Pick up some pumpkins, squash and gourds for your own display and celebrate the fruits of the season with us!
Mini Pumpkins

Okanagan Fruit

Our hand picked fresh Okanagan Fruit is delicious, sweet, juicy, and sun kissed! We stock only the best and healthiest fruit from the Okanagan Valley. Wake up your tastebuds and tickle your tummy with fresh handpicked fruit from our friends in the Okanagan!


The first of the Okanagan Fruit, crsip and juicy cherries fill our table early June thru July. What is it about cherries that is so addictive?


There is nothing juicier that a succulent peach. Available mid July thru August, in early varieties to freestone varieties. Case sales available for you avid canners.


Okanagan Apricots are generally available mid July to early August. A short season, so make sure to get some in your freezer for your apricot jam. As us for our yummy apricot upside down cake recipe!

Pears & Plums

Okanagan Pears and Plums are available mid August thru the middle of September. We also bring in nectarines, melons, apples and tomatoes from the Okanagan Valley when they are available.

Soft Ice Cream

Nothing beats ice cream on a hot summer day. Grab a treat and head outside to find a seat at a table, or sit out on the grass and stay a while. Take some time for yourself and enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our soft serve machine opens after May long weekend,  and runs until early September! Enjoy an ice cream cone, sundae, ice cream float, or one of our fresh fruit made-to-order milkshakes! What’s your favourite… vanilla, chocolate or swirl?

Waffle Cones

Our soft serve cones are filled high with our smooth creamy ice cream.  A perfect treat for a hot summer day. What flavor do you want?  Available in waffle and regular cones.

Old Fashioned Ice Cream Floats

Pick up a specialty soda and we will add and our creamy gourmet ice cream to make you a good old fashioned float. Take a trip down memory lane with us today.

Old Fashioned Milkshakes

Nothing says summer like fresh berries blended in silky ice cream. Choose your favorite berry or chocolate and we will mix it up. Grab a straw and dive right in!

Hot Fudge Sundaes

Enjoy our smooth and creamy soft serve ice cream layered in our gooey hot fudge sauce. Add roasted peanuts or sprinkles and that’s a good day.