
Farm Favourites

Everyone enjoys food fresh off the farm! We have our favourites and bet you’ll enjoy them too.


Neufeld Farms Berry Barn’s name speaks for itself. Every year our customers can’t wait for the first berries of the season to come out so they can make their daily or weekly visits to Neufeld Farms to pick up their fix of our luscious berries.

Pickling Cukes

Neufeld Farms is known for our pickling cukes. Originally just U–pick cukes, we now do the picking for you and make sure to have a bin of slicing cucumbers ready to you to fill your bag and take home. Nothing says summer like a cool cucumber salad. The sweetness and fresh taste of these cucumbers make them second to none.


When you think dillweed, you should automatically think Neufeld’s. Dill for all your pickling needs, and baby dill for your salads, salmon, and nugget potatoes. And of course for your soups. Don’t forget to get some in your freezer for winter.

Sweet Corn

We have been growing sweet corn for over 40 years and know that when you want corn, it has to be fresh. Our fresh daily hand picked corn is ready for you mid July to September in yellow, and peaches and cream varieties. When you think corn on the cob – think Neufeld’s.


Our home grown pumpkins is the latest additions to our Berry Barn Favorites. The last of our harvest we hand pick our pumpkins and display them for you to enjoy inside and outside the market all thru October. Make sure to stop by as we say goodbye to summer and welcome in the fall. Pick up some pumpkins, squash and gourds for your own display and celebrate the fruits of the season with us!

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